





Since the pet industry entered the domestic market in 2000, it quickly became popular nationwide. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for pets has also continued to rise, and domestic pet lovers have also continued to rise. Keeping pets is no longer a rare thing, and many young people are willing to be "dog fathers" and "dog mothers", treating their pets as children. Nowadays, these are all very common things. Their doting on pets is no less than the love of parents for their children. Owners are willing to spend on their "treasures", buy the best pet food, wear expensive clothes, go to high-end beauty salons, and so on. It can be seen that people's views on keeping pets have changed. Pets are now members of the family and enjoy the highest treatment.

宠物热潮引发的消费狂潮,让创业者看到了无限的商机,伴随宠物而生的分支行业可以说是层出不穷。“靠宠物赚钱” 和 “靠宠物赚钱” 分别成为两大创业路径。养宠物指的是购买、饲养宠物赚钱,而养宠物赚钱指的是利用主人的消费心理花在心爱宠物身上的钱,如宠物食品、宠物用品、宠物玩具等。目前,养宠物在中国各大城市并不少见,宠物数量和宠物经济也在不断攀升。据调查统计,目前中国大约有10000万只宠物,重点是上海,北京和广州。上海大约有300000只宠物。从宠物主人的反馈来看,上海市民平均每月在宠物上的花费在400左右,这也透露出宠物市场的无限前景。
